Saffron-Spiced Chicken with Brandy and Cloves

Ingredients for Saffron-Spiced Chicken with Brandy and Cloves:

For 4 servings

* 1/2 cup Greek extra-virgin olive oil

* 1 whole chicken, about 3 pounds (1 1/2 kilos), cut into serving portions

* 2 medium onions, finely chopped

* 2 garlic cloves

* 1 pound (400 gr.) fresh tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and finely chopped

* 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh parsley

* Salt and pepper to taste

* 2 Tbsp. fresh chopped basil

* 3 Tbsp. unsalted butter

* 1/2 cup brandy

* 2 whole cloves

* 1/2 tsp. of saffron powder



1. Heat the olive oil in a large, wide pot over high heat and sear the chicken to brown.

2. Reduce heat to medium, add the onions, and cook all together until the onions soften.

3. Add the garlic and stir for one minute.

4. Pour in one cup of water, cover the pot, reduce heat, and simmer for 30 minutes.

5. Add the tomatoes, parsley, salt, pepper, basil, cloves and butter, and simmer, covered, for 20 minutes.

6. Add the brandy and the saffron, cover the pot, and simmer another 15-20 minutes, until the chicken is tender.

7. Serve and enjoy!

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